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Distance Learning (DL) is one of the sectors most affected by investments in digital technologies. The objectives concern the improvement of the learner’s experience through interaction, making the training more pleasant, immediate and efficient.

Also 2020 will be affected by strong technological investments and, compared to 2019, the main reason lies in the entry into employment of the people belonging to Generation Z.


La Formazione a Distanza (FAD) è uno dei settori più interessati dagli investimenti nelle tecnologie digitali. Gli obiettivi riguardano il miglioramento dell’esperienza del discente attraverso l’interazione, rendendo la formazione piacevole, immediata ed efficiente.

Anche il 2022 sarà interessato da forti investimenti tecnologici e, rispetto agli anni precedenti, il motivo principale risiede nell’ingresso nel mondo del lavoro degli appartenenti alla Generazione Z.


Gen Z are those born between 1995 and 2010. They need to be taken into account because, by 2020, they will represent 20% of the total workforce. For this reason, it is easy to understand how the world of education, and consequently the e-learning platforms, need to take into consideration the peculiarities of these workers to offer unique and effective experiences.

The members of Generation Z have been defined as the most diversified generation in history and, for this reason, several researches have been carried out to identify the distinctive features of the members of Gen Z:

From the description it emerges how Distance Learning and the use of LMS software are crucial to capture the attention of this new category of workers.


Lo abbiamo detto più volte e lo ripetiamo: i Serious Game diventeranno di fondamentale importanza per la strategia aziendale.

Essi hanno la capacità di creare uno spirito di sana e virtuosa competizione all’interno dell’organizzazione, nonché un senso di comunità.

Questo approccio è in grado non solo di rafforzare il coinvolgimento, ma anche di migliorare il ROI della formazione, in quanto gli utenti competono per superare i benchmark stabiliti da altri colleghi


Le nuove generazioni (e in fondo anche quelle precedenti, anche se non lo ammettono) conferiscono grande importanza al valore della community.

Riconoscono il vantaggio dei gruppi virtuali, che si creano in base alle passioni o agli interessi e non sulla base dell’estrazione economica o educativa. Molti di loro fanno parte di più gruppi e in misura maggiore rispetto alle altre generazioni.

L’e-learning del 2022 dovrà essere in grado di valorizzare questo aspetto.


Let us briefly examine some of the essential features that all the e-learning platforms will need to have in order to be “tailored” to Gen Z:

Authenticity first: the training scenarios will have to be created with external speakers for seminars and workshops (formal training), allowing Gen Z to transfer their personality into the online training activities;

Collaboration and competitiveness: Serious Games will become of fundamental importance for the corporate strategy, creating a spirit of healthy and virtuous competition within the organizations. This approach is able not only to strengthen users’ involvement, but also to improve the overall ROI of the training, as users compete to overcome the benchmarks established by other colleagues.

Globally, the technologies that Gen-Z requires from their employers include:

A livello globale, le tecnologie che i Gen-Z richiedono ai loro datori di lavoro includono:

In the current scenario of business training, the level of personalization of an employee’s training programme can be the starting or breaking point between the conservation and the loss of talent. The active participation of the employees (particularly those of Generation Z) to the development of these training programmes helps the organizations to exploit and understand the skills they already have and the ones they still need to improve.

To stay updated on all the latest trends concerning e-learning, read our Journal.

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